Khaled Sawalha
Department of Life Sciences, College of Science & Technology, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine.
A botanic garden is a common institution holding documented collections of well-tended living plants for the purposes of scientific research, conservation, display and education (Botanic Gardens Conservation International, BGCI). Moreover, the botanic garden is a natural place for enjoyment, exhibition of both live and dry specimens and eco-tourism under full management by experts and skilled staff. The botanic gardens are distinguished from public parks in many approaches including: plants are grown for public show in parks, whereas botanic ones are designed in landscaped sites. The type of activities in both involve public but botanical gardens host more organized, scientific and cultural events Although botanic gardens establishment goes to old history of Greek, Romans, Arab and Moslem civilizations, but recent history in the last century has led to more developed and well managed botanical gardens.